The mantra “Baba Nam Kevalam” helps us to focus on the infinite essence of divine Love and is can be used for meditation or creating a relaxing, spiritually elevating atmosphere.
Category Archives: Resources
Didi Ananda Devapriya, interviewed on 6 TV
Didi Ananda Devapriya was interviewed as a guest of Stefan Pusca’s show “Dialogues between the Heart and Mind” on 6 TV in Bucharest Romania. She talked about meditation, service and spirituality as well as her own spiritual path which led her to becoming a yogic nun.
Video: Ananda Marga Journey in Joy
Humanity has come a long way, but has failed to create a society where all can live in peace and harmony. This documentary takes you on a journey through the various aspects of the Ananda Marga organization and its effort to create a better world.
Yoga fasting days
When fasting is coordinated with the moon cycle it brings several benefits. The moon’s gravitation field affects all bodies of water on the earth – though it is most easily observed on the oceans in the rhythms of the tides. As the human body is composed of 90% water – the moon’s pull also affects our body and mind, creating a subtle pressure which may express as moodiness,irritation, restless, difficulties in digestion etc around that time of the month. Fasting helps to counteract this influence when it is done at in the period 3 days before the full moon or the new moon (known in sanskrit as Ekadashi). In addition, fasting can also be practiced on the actual full moon and new moon days. Another subtle benefit is that when the mind is peaceful and elevated during the new moon phase – the pineal gland can more easily secrete a substance known since ancient times as “amrita” or nectar – which induces a state of blissful divine intoxication.
The following chart lists the upcoming fasting days:
Free guided meditation
Download a free guided meditation here:
Kiirtan with guided meditation
What is the difference between relaxation and meditation?
This evening, Didi A. Devapriya appeared for the second time, as the guest of Stefan Pusca on his show “Dialogues between the Heart and Mind” on 6TV.
The discussion covered the difference between relaxation and meditation, sacred sounds and mantra, the practicalities of beginning a practice and a brief demonstration of kiirtan with a guided meditation.
Ananda Marga E-books
One of the basic practices of Yama and Niyama – the ethical principles that form the foundation of spiritual practice – is “Svadhyaya” which means to reflect on wisdom teachings. Here is a website where you can download e-books written by Ananda Margii authors – an excellent source of “Svadhyaya”:
“Meditation the gateway to our inner universe” with Didi Ananda Devapriya
See below the special Christmas edition of the tv show ”Dialogues between the mind and the heart”, with the title ”Meditation – the gate towards our interior universe”. With the participation of seven guests:
Ananda Devapriya, Cătălin Iriciuc, Liliana Stanciu, Oana Raluca Badea, Marius Octavian Stefan, Judit Baróti and Anka Lavinia.
Kiirtan: online store
Kiirtan CDs can be ordered and shipped from the Innersong website, or you can directly download Mp3 tracks online. There is a wide variety of kiirtan styles – from the ethereal, angelic voice of Jyosna to the African rhythms of Weyecho, or the reggae of Sojha’s “In the Light.”
Kaoshiiki: the most complete exercise ever
Evocative Mudras
Meaning of the movements
Holistic dance
23 Benefits of Kaoshiiki:
- It exercises all the glands and limbs from head to foot.
- It increases longevity.
- It facilitates easy childbirth.
- The spine will become flexible.
- Arthritis of the spine, neck, waist and other joints will be removed.
- Gout in the spine, neck, hand and waist will be healed.
- The mind becomes strong and sharp.
- Irregularities in menstruation will be cured.
- Glandular secretions will become regulated.
- Troubles in the bladder and urethra will be cured.
- It gives control over the limbs.
- It adds charm and shine to the face and skin.
- It removes wrinkles.
- It removes lethargy.
- It cures insomnia.
- It cures panic attacks.
- Fear complexes will be removed.
- Hopelessness will be cured.
- It helps in self-expression and develops one’s potentiality.
- Spinal pain, piles, hernia, hydrocele in men, nervous pain, nervous disability will be cured.
- It cures kidney and gall bladder troubles, gastric trouble, dyspepsia, acidity, dysentery, syphilis, gonorrheae, obesity, thinness and liver diseases.
- It increases the capacity to work until 75-80 years of age