

Bucuresti, Romania

  • Tel: 0744565252 / Didi A. Devapriya (English and Romania)
  • Tel: 021-4135522 / Dada Rasatmakananda(English)

Courses and weekly collective meditations (Dharmacakra) are held at Morningstar Center :

str. Almas 16, Sector 1 (near to metro Bazilescu)

About Ananda Marga?

The meditation technique with Baba Nam Kevalam is a simple and effective method, and if practiced regularly helps the aspirant to progess on the spiritual path. But this is only the tip of the iceberg! Ananda Marga meditation includes other deeper practices that one can learn, for example: techniques to withdraw the mind from the external world, to refine concentration, to control the breath, purify the cakras, and other more advanced meditation techniques. All of these practices can be learned free of charge from an acarya (monk – “Dada” or nun – “Didi”  of Ananda Marga).

Ananda Marga is an organization dedicated to practices of meditation, and to offering volunteer social service. The sanskrit words Ananda Marga mean “the path of bliss” and are a reminder that everyone possesses the potential to realize the bliss within. To cultivate this potential, Ananda Marga offers individualized instruction in meditation, yoga asanas and other techniques of personal development.

Since it was founded in 1955, Ananda Marga  has helped thousands of people to begin meditation. When people become more positive and compassionate through the practice of meditation, often the desire to share what they have discovered and help others to realize their potential occurs naturally. This expression of love takes the form of social service. Service projects range from disaster relief, food distribution, and clinics, to permanent programs such as community development work, sustainable agriculture,  alternative schools and kindergartens, or children’s homes – all with the aim of empowering and uplifting those served.

Ananda Marga is a non-profit social service organization and its work is sustained principally by volunteer work and the donations of members and friends.

 Visit our international website:

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